Colombia has plenty of foods to enjoy their flavors come form the saltiest to the sweetest and are so tasty they become irresistible. In this post I will show a picture of some foods describe it and where it´s from.
First let´s talk about the best rice you can ever eat: Arroz con coco/ Rice with coconut
This rice is from the Atlantic Coast of Colombia and it is incredibly delicious, it is a rice with a coconuty taste that will live in your mind forever.
The Bandeja Paisa, probably the most known of Colombias cooking, it comes form the Coffee zone of Colombia and it is conformed of rice, beans, fried platain, ground meat, chicharron(a kind of bacon), white arepas, chorizo (a kind of sausage) and avocado to make it even tastier.
Arepa de Huevo, yes the egg is inside the arepa, a perfect way of making the best breakfast. This comes form the Atlantic coast and the arepa is fried with a cooked egg inside. Irresistible.
Sancocho de Gallina/ Chicken soop, this spectacular soop comes form El Valle del Cauca. It is made up of cooked platain (not fried), yuca, chicken and a special herb called silantro which makes it the best sancocho you can taste.
Empanadas, they are done basically all over Colombia in different ways, some are done with meat, potato, sometimes they put chicken and the outer part is made out of corn. In many places of Colombia they are fried with different ingredients.
Something Sweet
Manjarblanco, wow it is the best thing you can EVER taste it is a kind of caramel only MUCH BETTER it is made with milk and sugar in a big copper pan where it´s stirred until it becomes chewy and delicious to eat. Manjarblanco comes form el Valle del Cauca.
It´s so much food it is uncountable I will talk about this some other day I hope you enjoyed and are willing to come to Colombia and taste some of it´s outrageous tastes.
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