More Colombian Blogs

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Not everyone has to be perfect and doesn´t have to do everything perfect when you have something or someone that makes you happy or loves you, that is great! In the last years living in Colombia and other places of the world I´ve learned that happiness is what makes you keep on and enjoy everything and everyone you have around. You might think this doesn’t have to do anything with the topic of my blog but actually yes!! I wanted to transmit the message that being accepted by friends like here in Colombia and many other places is very nice and actually is what gives you a life and an identity can be nationality or a skill or something you do that gives a good time to others, because that is what counts that you change at least one person’s life. What I´m trying to say is that like you accept your friends, your boyfriend, girlfriend, your family yourself you have to accept your country just like it´s with problems and any other thing that may just make it even a bit bad. I´m telling you about this because I met a guy this week that wasn´t proud of being Colombian and said he died for Being American that was sad, not because he wants to be American but because he doesn´t accept his country as it is. I mean do you think he will accept a girl even if she´s not perfect? Any ways it´s just my opinion and everyone’s opinions in the world count! Even my opinion,even if it may sound crazy to you!


  1. Caro I agree with you. If you cant even accept were your from how will you ever accept anyone else? Plus who wouldn't want to be Colombian, its like the best country in the world. Sure we have problems but every single country has problems even The United States.
