More Colombian Blogs

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Some Opinion

Lately I have been trying to understand humanity. While some people are dying for something to eat others are crying because they don´t have the last Blackberry model (Oh My God). I mean while some girls cry because their crush didn´t look at them others are sexually abused. Is that fair? for humanity it has become fair.
Good for those that received an education and those who have "good values" you got you´r freaking job and bought what you wanted and most importantly you only care about you´r life- that´s how it has become, unfortunately. I´m so mad with people everywhere in the world they just can´t stop being self centered they just can´t see that they are a tiny part of the world. Can´t they see? the world is a DISASTER yes a DISASTER. It´s chaos, violence, unfairness, injustice, poorness it´s everything except conformation, know a days we are greedy we want more and more and more it´s unstoppable and we are still caring about stupid problems while others don´t even have water or bread or ANYTHING. Ugh I´m tired of it, it´s enough the world doesn´t orbit around anyone OK? not even you by the way. The world was made for everyone to be happy not for just SOME to be happy. I hope you get something from this and start helping and do something that will REALLY help the world not just YOURSELF.

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